
EFT CCS Gap Fee Collection: Educator Self-Assessment Tool

The purpose of the Educator Self-Assessment Tool is to assist educators to evaluate their readiness for transitioning to Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) CCS gap fee payments from 1 July 2023 and to identify areas for action or improvement.

This Self-Assessment Tool is designed to be completed online and will only take you 5 minutes to complete. You can use the tool multiple times.

Once you have answered each of the nine questions, click the submit button at the end. This will ensure you receive a copy of your responses and the relevant guidance at your nominated email address.

Important: This tool has been developed for internal assessment purposes only by educators and approved services in preparing for the changes to CCS gap fee collection obligations (i.e. that they must be paid via EFT from 1 July 2023). The questions and guidance provided in the self-assessment report do not, in any way, constitute legal advice by FDCA. Educators and services are encouraged to seek independent legal advice specific to their situation and context, as needed.

For further information, guidance and practical tips and suggestions, please refer to the fact sheets for educators and other resources available at

If you have any problems accessing the form via the FDCA website, the form can also be accessed here.