

FDCA would like to thank our sponsors of the 2024 Excellence in Family Day Care Awards. Without their generous support, the awards program would not be possible.

NSW Department of Education

The NSW Department of Education is working hard to strengthen and grow the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector. We monitor, support and regulate more than 6,000 early childhood education and care (ECEC) services, including outside school hours care services, across NSW.

The ECEC sector in NSW is responsible for providing approximately 500,000 children with quality learning experiences, helping to build crucial physical, social, emotional and cognitive skills so that every child has the best start in life and learning. The department aims to deliver quality outcomes for children, families and the ECEC workforce through access to affordable, safe, inclusive and quality ECEC.

The department has four key roles in NSW:

  1. NSW ECEC Regulatory Authority
  2. Reform and program delivery
  3. Funding body
  4. Service provider

NSW Department of Education is proud to return as a sponsor of the 2024 Excellence in Family Day Care Awards.

Early Childhood Australia

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation that was first incorporated in 1938. We work at both the national and local levels, with active State and Territory Committees in each Australian jurisdiction and a National Board of Directors. Our membership includes early childhood professionals, services, schools and organisations that share a commitment to the rights and wellbeing of young children.

Our vision is that every young child is thriving and learning. To achieve this, we champion the rights of young children to thrive and learn at home, in the community, within early learning settings and through the early years of school. Our work builds the capacity of our society and the early childhood sector to realise the potential of every child during the critical early years from birth to the age of eight.

ECA acknowledges the unique place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our society, the past and current injustices and realities for them across Australia, and the enduring strength of their cultures and identities. We commit to being at the forefront of achieving a reconciled nation that values, respects and celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being.

ECA is very well regarded by early childhood professionals for producing high quality professional learning resources including online professional learning, events and publications for educators across the country.  ECA offer a range of quality best-practice resources for early childhood professionals through a range of quarterly publications, The ECA Shop and The Learning Hub online professional learning platform.
1800 356 900