This year National Family Day Care Week will take place from 4 - 10 May and we're encouraging all family day care educators and services to get involved by hosting National Family Day Care Week Picnics. This year we're giving members the chance to receive a free National Family Day Care Week Picnic Pack, simply by hosting a picnic!
Whether you're hosting a picnic at a local park or in your backyard, we want to know about it so we can share it with local media outlets and raise the profile of family day care in your community and across Australia.
To get your free National Family Day Care Picnic Pack all you need to do is be one of the first 300 FDCA members to register your National Family Day Care Picnic by 15 March 2020.
Your National Family Day Care Picnic Pack will include:
To register your picnic, click here.
The Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) have reported that for the first time, 80% of education and care services are Meeting or Exceeding National Quality Standard (NQS).
ACECQA's NQF Snapshot Q4 2019 shows that the proportion of services rated Meeting NQS or above has risen steadily from 56% in 2013, to 69% in 2016, to 80% at the end of 2019.
As at 31 December 2019, 30% of services are rated Exceeding NQS and 45 services hold the Excellent rating – the highest rating a service can achieve.
To be rated Meeting NQS, all elements across each of the seven quality areas must be met. This means that a service may be rated Working Towards NQS based on not meeting a single element or not meeting all elements. Many services rated Working Towards NQS are close to being rated Meeting NQS. 40% of services rated Working Towards NQS receive that rating due to not meeting one or two of the seven quality areas of the NQS.
ACECQA's NQF Snapshot provides analysis and information on the profile of the education and care sector, the quality ratings of services, and the distribution of ratings by service type, provider management type and geographic location.
To view the Q4 NQF Snapshot 2019 and previous Snapshots click here.
This Sunday 8 March is International Women’s Day. The family day care sector has been built by many amazing women throughout Australia who have dedicated their professional lives to educating and caring for children, or to supporting those educators under the family day care model.
FDCA is proud to be supporting thousands of women across Australia run their own businesses. This International Women’s Day we celebrate the remarkable work done by all women and especially those in the family day care sector; from educators and service staff to hard-working mothers and the women of tomorrow in our care.
If you're holding your own celebration for International Women's Day, share them with us on our Facebook Page.
Following overwhelmingly positive feedback to the 2019 National Engagement Program (NEP) forums, FDCA is excited to announce that the NEP is returning to Perth.
We're continuing to invest in and support our members!
In your role as a family day care professional, we recognise that it is vital that you are able to access ongoing professional development and networking opportunities, while also having the chance to critically reflect on your practice as you strive to deliver high quality outcomes for children.
That's why in our role as your national peak body, we will proudly continue to invest in the ongoing professional development of our members. This means attendance at our NEP forums will again be FREE (valued at over $100) for our members.
Limited tickets remaining
The upcoming Perth forum has already received a great response. With limited tickets available, be sure to register now so that you don't miss out!
To find out more about the 2020 NEP forums, visit
On 3 March 2020 the Australian Government published further updated factsheets on the novel coronavirus for the education and training sector.
The updated Department of Health factsheets can be found by following the link on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment website. The Department will continue to advise each time these factsheets are updated.
Please regularly check the Department of Health’s website to help ensure that you are using the latest version of these factsheets.
FDCA is excited to announce that payment plans for full registration early-bird tickets to the FDCA 2021 National Conference are now available, exclusively to FDCA members!
Why use a payment plan to purchase my ticket?
For many members the option of paying for their conference ticket by the month makes it much easier to purchase, as they don't have to worry about paying for the full amount up front. Payment plans were an extremely popular option for members who attended the FDCA 2018 National Conference and we're pleased to be able to support members by providing these additional options for purchasing tickets.
What plans are available?
To provide members with more flexibility when purchasing tickets, two types of payment plans are available to members: a 12-month and a 6-month plan. FDCA members are able to access the 12-month payment plan up until the end of 31 August 2020, while access to the 6-month payment plan will conclude on 28 February 2021.
How can I access a payment plan?
To purchase your FDCA 2021 Conference ticket via a payment plan, simply click here and choose the 12-month or 6-month option when selecting your ticket.
To find out more about the FDCA 2021 National Conference, visit
Family Day Care Australia represents, supports and promotes the sector in delivering quality outcomes for children.
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