
29 May 2024

National Reconciliation Week

This week is National Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3 June) and is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

This year the theme for National Reconciliation Week, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will - and must - continue.

To find out more about National Reconciliation Week as well as access resources and find out what events are happening near you, visit the Reconciliation Australia website.

Please share your activities for National Reconciliation Week on the FDCA Facebook page.

We at Family Day Care Australia acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and work, the Darkinjung People, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' continuous connection to Country, and celebrate their traditions and living cultures.

Joint statement for government action: improve regional, rural & remote early learning and care

Family Day Care Australia (FDCA) has joined the Access for Every Child Coalition, launched yesterday, to call on the Government to fix the early learning crisis crippling families and economies in rural, regional and remote Australia.

Led by advocacy group The Parenthood, the Access for Every Child Coalition (the Coalition) includes over fifty organisations including the National Farmers’ Federation, the National Rural Health Alliance, and Rural Councils Victoria, as well as representatives from the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector including FDCA and Early Childhood Australia (ECA).

Through a joint statement released yesterday, Coalition stresses that a ‘one size fits all approach’ will not meet the varying needs across the nation; state, territory and local governments, as well as local communities, and must be factored into the development and delivery of solutions. It calls on the Federal Government to take six actions to ensure all children in regional, rural and remote areas receive equitable access to early education:

  1. Implement strong public management of the ECEC system in collaboration with state and territory governments.
  2. Offer a range of supply-side subsidies for ECEC providers in rural and remote areas.
  3. Invest in quality Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled integrated early years services in rural and remote areas.
  4. Implement a regional, rural and remote national workforce strategy including culturally safe training for First Nations educators.
  5. Improve family day care and in home care provision.
  6. Provide interim solutions.

As FDCA has repeatedly advocated in submissions to recent inquiries and reviews of the ECEC sector over the past 18 months, family day care plays a key role in ECEC accessibility in the regions, especially where there are no other available services. This is specifically addressed under recommendation five above, which is elaborated in the joint statement:

 “Measures to support the expansion of the FDC sector in regional, rural and remote areas, including a dedicated funding program and innovative approaches that better leverage the capabilities of family day care, would greatly benefit families in these areas, particularly where demand is low or variable.”

Under the recently released national Early Years Strategy, the Government has made a commitment to a pathway towards Universal Early Education and Care. As highlighted in the Coalition’s joint statement and recommended actions, long-term solutions to deliver universal ECEC access will take consideration and time. Yet families and communities are struggling now.

FDCA has emphasised numerous times in our submissions and in meetings with Government officials, a suite of innovative interim initiatives are needed now to support the continued viability and growth of the family day care sector.

You can read the joint statement issued by the Access for Every Child Coalition here.

To access FDCA’s key submissions, click here.

2024 Excellence in Family Day Care Awards - Nominations Open Next Week

In recent weeks enquiries have been coming in regarding the opening of nominations for the 2024 Excellence in Family Day Care Awards.

We’re excited to announce that nominations for the 2024 Awards will open on Tuesday 4 June 2024 and will be open until Thursday 4 July 2024.

Stay tuned for more information that is set to arrive in your inbox next week, as well as on the FDCA Facebook page.

Reminder: complete the National Workforce Census

The Department is reminding all CCS approved providers and services to complete the National Workforce Census (NWC). Completing the NWC is a requirement under Family Assistance Law (FAL).

If you haven’t already, please visit the Department’s website to login and complete the census. Your login code is in your invitation email from the Social Research Centre.

If you need help or have questions, contact the helpline on 1800 800 996 or email

Further information and regular updates on the NWC are available on the Social Research Centre website.

ACECQA’s Q1 2024 NQF Snapshot shows sustained improvement in quality

ACECQA’s National Quality Framework (NQF) Snapshots provide an overview of the education and care sector, including progress on and results of quality assessment and ratings against the National Quality Standard (NQS).

Produced quarterly, NQF Snapshots are a useful way to stay up to date with sector trends.

For the family day care sector, the latest NQF Snapshot shows a steady increase in quality ratings, with 70% of family day care services meeting or exceeding the NQS (up from 62% as of 1 year prior).

This increase can be observed across the board, with the overall percentage of services rated as meeting or exceeding jumping to a new record of 90%. View the full May 2024 Snapshot here for more information.

FDCA Online Engagement Series: Episode 10 - Play-Based Learning

Episode ten of the FDCA Online Engagement Series was streamed live for FDCA members on Thursday 23 May, with our special guests exploring the topic of Play-Based Learning.

Beryl Mort, Service Manager at Nature Alliance Family Day Care (WA) and ‍Ali Fleming, Family Day Care Educator, North Metro Family Day Care Scheme (SA) joined FDCA Advocacy and Engagement Manager Michael Farrell to unpack play-based learning. They also discussed a wide range of tips and strategies that can be implemented to assist in children's development.

Some of the feedback from members included:

“Thanks Ladies, great information and examples. So many options, inspiration, tips and tricks. Totally enjoyed this session”  

“Really enjoyed this presentation! Found myself nodding and cheering yes!!! Thanks Beryl and Ali. You are both so inspiring!!”  

If you couldn't attend live on the night, you can find the recordings in the Member Zone.

Episode 11 of the FDCA Online Engagement Series on Tax Tips with Ben Mueller will stream live on Thursday 20th June.