
24 June 2020

Child Care Subsidy rates from 13 July 2020

Hourly rate caps

The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) hourly rate caps, being the maximum hourly rate used to calculate families’ CCS for each service type, have been adjusted annually in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This information shows the hourly rate caps that apply from 13 July 2020.

Note that, in line with the recommendations outlined in our Sector Viability Strategy, Family Day Care Australia (FDCA) has continued, prior to and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, to highlight the inadequacy of the CCS rate cap applied to family day care and to advocate on behalf of our members for an increase. We will have another opportunity to put our case forward when the CCS rate is formally reviewed in the second part of this year.

2020-2021 CCS hourly rate caps by service type

Centre Based Day Care

Children below school age - $12.20

School age children -$10.67

Outside School Hours Care

Children below school age - $12.20

School age children -$10.67

Family Day Care

Children below school age - $11.30

School age children - $11.30

In Home Care (per family)

Children below school age - $33.17

School age children - $33.17

Income test

The percentage of CCS a family is entitled to is based on combined annual income. CCS income thresholds are adjusted annually in accordance with CPI. The table below shows the income thresholds that apply from 13 July 2020.

Subsidy per cent (of actual fee charged or relevant hourly rate cap, whichever is lower) by 2020 – 2021 CCS family income thresholds

Income up to $69,390 = 85% Subsidy

Income more than $69,390 to below $174,390 = Decreasing to 50% *

Income of $174,390 to below $253,680 = 50% Subsidy

Income of $253,680 to below $343,680 = Decreasing to 20% *

Income of $343,680 to below $353,680 = 20% Subsidy

Income equal to or above $353,680 = 0% Subsidy

*Subsidy gradually decreases by 1 per cent for each $3000 of family income.

Children under five years of age now eligible for free flu shots

This year, for the first time, the federal government has made it possible for all children aged from six months to less than five years to be eligible for a free flu vaccine through the Australian Government’s National Immunisation Program (NIP).

The Government is also conducting an awareness raising campaign to increase the uptake of flu vaccinations and its particular importance this year due to COVID-19. The awareness campaign, running over a four week period in June, will use online advertising and social media channels targeted to parents and carers promoting . So far in 2020, there have been over 1,800 cases of flu in children under five years of age, and sadly one death. There have been over 20,000 cases of influenza overall, and 36 deaths in 2020, down from approximately 110,000 cases and 369 deaths at this time in 2019.

Please note that flu vaccinations for children under 5 remain a choice and are not being imposed as a compulsory condition of care.

Winter JiGSAW cover competition closes tomorrow

Would you like to be in the running to have your very own family day care photo featured on the upcoming winter edition of JiGSAW magazine?

To go into the running all you need to do is click here and share your photos in the comments of our Facebook post, or you can send your photos to

Be quick though! Entries close tomorrow (June 25) at 11.59pm AEST.

Don't forget, if a child or children can be identified in your photo you'll need to ensure you have a parent’s or guardian's permission before sharing!

International Mud Day – 29 June

International Mud day is coming up on 29 June!

This fun day has its origins in 2009 at the World Forum for Early Childhood Care and Education in Belfast, and aims to connect children around the globe through the earth, by playing in the mud and fostering feelings of community and appreciation.

Why not join others around the globe in a day of splashing, rolling, squishing, sliding, making mud pies, and more.

To find out more and access downloadable resources, promotional material and more, click here.

Kidsafe releases updated Family Day Care Safety Guidelines

Kidsafe has released the latest edition of their Kidsafe Family Day Care Safety Guidelines.

The guidelines (of which these are the 7th edition) are published to provide support and guidance to family day care educators.

The Safety Guidelines are widely utilised by Services, Coordinators and Educators as a high quality resource and a guideline for best practice.

The guidelines contain updates on the relevant Australian Standards; national frameworks and regulations; as well as addressing emerging trends in child safety and injury prevention. The following sections cover updated or new and important topics:

  • Impact area, falling space and free space (Section 3.6.3)
  • Surfacing (Section 3.6.4.)
  • Trampolines (Section 3.8.2.)
  • Heat packs (Section 4.5.)
  • Button batteries (Section 4.6.)
  • Data security and online safety (Section 7.8.)
  • Quad bikes and other vehicles (8.5.)

The relevant Australian Standards are highlighted throughout the publication, clearly noting if the Standard(s) are mandatory or voluntary.

To download a copy of the Kidsafe Family Day Care Guidelines (7th edition), click here.