
03 March 2021

2020 Excellence in Family Day Care Awards National Winners announced

Following a record-breaking 2020 Awards season, the National Winners were announced on Saturday 27 February 2021 at the Midnight Hotel in Canberra during the 2020 Awards Dinner.

To view the Educator of the Year, Coordinator of the Year and Service of the Year for 2020, click here or watch the livestream on the Family Day Care Australia Facebook page.

The 2020 Awards season saw 5,660 nominations placed from communities all across the country, and generated over 70 positive media stories showcasing the family day care sector - reaching an audience of more than 500,000 Australians.

FDCA thanks each and every nominee, participant, finalist and winner for their enormous contributions to the 2020 Awards. The sheer number and high quality of the nominations we received is testament to the hard work coming out of our sector each and every day to support Australian children and families.

Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement released as part of  the 2019 National Quality Framework Review

As our members are aware, the National Quality Framework (NQF) underpins the national approach to the regulation of education and care services in Australia.

From time to time the NQF is reviewed to ensure it remains effective and fit for purpose. The NQF is currently in a review phase, which commenced in April 2019 with the release of the 2019 NQF Review Issues Paper and a first round of national consultations.

In June 2019, FDCA made a submission to the government following consultation with our members in response to the release of the Issues Paper.

As part of the 2019 NQF Review process, a second phase of national consultations has now begun with the release of the Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS).

The proposals put forward in the CRIS could result in changes being made to the Education and Care Services National Law, the Education and Care Services National Regulations or guidance materials covering the application of the legislation.

The CRIS explores a total of 21 issues relating to:

  • safety, health, and wellbeing;
  • family day care;
  • outside school hours care;
  • workforce;
  • understanding of quality ratings by families;
  • changes in fees within the NQF system;
  • oversight and governance of services and providers; and
  • proposed changes to the NQF arising from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

FDCA is in the process of undertaking an analysis of the CRIS for potential impacts of the proposed changes on the family day care sector, and will keep our members updated. As part of this process, FDCA will consult closely with our membership to ensure that your voice is heard.

Should you have any questions about the NQF review or the release of the CRIS, please contact us at

More than just great insurance!

When educators and services insure with FDCA, they become part of the largest community of family day care professionals across Australia.

Our insurance packages include access to all the benefits of membership to support you and your business to thrive, including:

  • Real-time business, administration and regulatory support 
  • The FDCA Locator Tool, to market your business to Australian families looking for care
  • Free, customisable marketing materials and resources to help your business stand out from the crowd
  • A peak body that defends and promotes your interests
  • Top tier events and networking opportunities

Trusted by educators and services for over 30 years, FDCA’s insurance packages will give you and your business the best possible protection - so that you can get on with the important job of providing quality education and care to children.

If you’d like to learn more about accessing your member benefits, or to simply have a chat with our friendly support staff, please call us on 1800 659 699 or send us an enquiry at

Deadline for families to confirm income for CCS approaching

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment has provided the following information to assist members with communicating CCS balancing and confirmation of income to families.

Families who received Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for the 2018–19 financial year must confirm their income by 31 March 2021.

The deadline was extended from 30 June 2020 to 31 March 2021 to provide families more time to confirm their income, due to COVID-19.

Families who do not confirm their income by 31 March 2021 will lose their access to CCS. This means providers will need to charge families full fees for any child care they use.

(Services Australia can restart a family’s CCS again but only after they have confirmed their income. This means families may miss out on CCS they may have otherwise got).

If families still haven’t confirmed their income by 30 June 2021 they will need to pay back all the CCS they got for 2018–19, and families will no longer be eligible for CCS from 12 July 2021 - meaning providers will need to direct families to make a new claim.

Families can claim CCS entitlements again once they have confirmed their income and they have either:

  • repaid any current or previous CCS or Child Care Benefit debt, or
  • entered into a repayment arrangement.

How do families confirm their income?

To confirm their income, families need to: 

If a parent separates from their partner, Services Australia will also need their ex-partner's income.

If a parent is concerned that their ex-partner/s won’t lodge their tax return by the deadline, they should call the Families line

More information

We encourage services and educators to access the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s (DESE) website for more information.

The following poster and fact sheet have been designed to assist services and educators to start the conversation with families, and can be printed and displayed.

You can also direct families to Services Australia for more information.