
14 May 2020

Supplementary funding is failing family day care

Since commencement of the ECEC Relief Package, the supplementary payment program has been presented as the solution to funding gaps for family day care. However, it appears, from preliminary evidence obtained through Family Day Care Australia's (FDCA) survey of service members, that the system is failing the family day care sector, further compounding the financial strain and anxiety of the temporary relief funding package for family day care.

Yesterday a bulletin was sent to FDCA members relating to the failings of the supplementary payment system for family day care. We are asking services that have applied for supplementary payments to provide evidence of their application status to assist in building the evidence base to determine the extent to which the program is fulfilling its intended purpose.

There is no immediate action required from educators on this particular issue. However, we will need your input in the coming weeks to assist us in establishing a clear and broadly representative transitional plan to present to the Australian Government to ensure that the impact on your businesses is minimised and the unique nature of family day care adequately considered and supported through and beyond the current funding package that was imposed upon the sector without consultation.

To view the bulletin in full, click here for the educator version or click here for the service version.


New FDCA Member Zone is now live

Last Friday, you would have received a bulletin announcing the launch of the new FDCA Member Zone. Exclusively available to FDCA Members, the FDCA Member Zone is your new home for a range of members-only tools, resources and content.

The launch of the FDCA Member Zone is part of our continued commitment to providing members with access to high quality resources and tools that support members in the delivery of high quality family day care.

The new FDCA Member Zone houses a range of members-only resources, tools and information that can assist both in the day-to-day running of your family day care business and also your family day care practice. These include FDCA’s Professional Learning Portal, our new and improved Family Day Care Locator, the Market My Business Hub, your Insurance Documentation, a wide range of resources and factsheets and the latest issues of JiGSAW Magazine and Family Day Care Matters.

All you need to do to access your FDCA Member Zone is follow these five simple steps:

  1. Click here to activate your free account (for the best experience, use the latest Chrome browser)
  2. Enter your registered email address
  3. An email will then be sent to your email address, click on the 'create password' button
  4. Create and confirm your password
  5. Click here to log in and enter your FDCA Member Zone

You can also access your FDCA Member Zone by clicking 'Member Login' on the FDCA website.


Message from the Australian Government to forward to parents

Even though Child Care Subsidy and Additional Child Care Subsidy won’t be paid between 6 April and 28 June 2020 the usual CCS eligibility requirements still apply as outlined in the Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package Conditions fact sheet

The Australian Government has therefore recently provided the following message to service providers:

Dear Provider

Please forward the below information to your families.

Families who are eligible to receive Child Care Subsidy payments from Centrelink may be asked to provide their family income estimate for the 2020-21 financial year.

If you receive questions from families, you should encourage them to visit the Services Australia website.


Talking to children about natural disasters, traumatic events, or worries about the future

Educators may be interested in the curated selection of online information and resources put together by Emerging Minds to assist parents and carers to best support children and reduce worry and distress during COVID-19.

There are also resources to help children affected by other traumatic events such as the recent bushfires. The selection contains a video, factsheets and tips as well as links to other useful resources.

You can access the resources here.


The autumn 2020 edition of JiGSAW magazine is now available

The autumn 2020 edition of JiGSAW magazine is now available to view and download for FDCA members

In this edition of JiGSAW we share several inspiring stories of selflessness and outstanding achievement and provide an update on our Sector Viability Strategy, along with a summary of FDCA's recent Pre-Budget Submission to the Commonwealth Government.

You'll also hear from all of our regular contributors and have the opportunity to win prizes in our Fun with FDCA section.

To view the autumn edition of JiGSAW, click here.

Would you like to contribute to JiGSAW magazine?

Each issue of JiGSAW magazine features articles contributed by family day care educators and services and FDCA is currently seeking contributions for the upcoming winter edition of JiGSAW magazine.

If you have an interesting story or experience you would like to share, please email


FDCA COVID-19 information hub

To help members stay up to date with the latest information on the COVID-19 crisis we have developed a COVID-19 information hub with information specific to family day care educators and services.

The hub contains information, support links and resources available to family day care educators and services during the COVID-19 crisis.

The hub includes:

  • frequently asked questions, including general FAQ’s and FAQ’s specific to educators, services and relating to the National Law;
  • links to all FDCA bulletins sent to members regarding COVID-19, and;
  • additional links and resources relating to COVID-19.

We will continue to update these pages as new information comes to hand. Please be aware that the situation continues to evolve rapidly.

To view the FDCA COVID-19 information hub, click here.