
4 May 2022

Happy National Family Day Care Week!

Hip, hip, hooray! Today marks the beginning of National Family Day Care Week and the event's 10th birthday.

Across the country this week, educators, coordinators, services and families will be  attending events to celebrate the occasion and promote the vital role family day plays in the development and wellbeing of over 90,000 Australian children.

10 Years of National Family Day Care Week

Over its 10 years, National Family Day Care Week has inspired more than 360 positive media stories on the family day care sector, reaching 4 million Australians!

Make sure to share your celebrations this  week on social media using the official hashtag, #FDCWeek2022.

You can also share posts from the FDCA Facebook page here.

Resources and more information!

A range of online National Family Day Care Week resources, including program guides, posters, postcards and social media images, are available to FDCA members here.

To find out more about National Family Day Care Week, click here.

Final round of nominations released for the 2022 Excellence in Family Day Care Awards!

The final round of nominations for the 2022 Excellence in Family Day Care Awards are available to view now!

FDCA members nominated in our final round have now received a nomination confirmation email. 

To view the full list of final round nominees in the educator, coordinator and service categories, click here.

More information on the Awards

To find out more information, including how you could take home some amazing prizes, visit our website at

Australian Government survey - have your say on ACCS

The Australian Government is looking to hear from early childhood education and care staff who have experience with the Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (child wellbeing), through the launch of an ACCS Feedback Survey.

We encourage any members who have experience with ACCS to take part in the survey here and share amongst your colleagues. This includes those who have:

  • spoken with families about the subsidy;
  • applied for an initial 6-week certificate on behalf of a family; and/or
  • applied for further determinations on behalf of a family.

The survey will close on 17 May.

Your answers will help inform the next Australian Government about improving access to early childhood education and care for vulnerable families.

The survey will not collect personal information and responses are anonymous.

For more information, visit the Social Research Centre or contact

Contribute to national research on Australian children

Take part in a nationwide survey about Australian adult attitudes towards children and young people in Australia. 

This research project is being undertaken by the Valuing Children Initiative (VCI) and a group of researchers from the University of Western Australia, Curtin University, Edith Cowan

University and Murdoch University. 

The survey is a repeat of their 2016 benchmark research, to see how attitudes may have changed and to assess the impact of their work over the last 5 years. 

This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and can be accessed via the link:

The survey has been approved by the University of WA Human Ethics Committee (Approval number 2021/ET000818), and is voluntary and completely anonymous.  

If you would like to receive the results of the survey once published, please send an email to including your name and email address.

Did you catch the FDCA Pre-Election Forum?

Last Thursday, FDCA CEO Andrew Paterson hosted a Pre-Election Forum with the Hon Stuart Robert MP, Acting Minister for Education and Youth and the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education and Development.

The Pre-Election Forum was a chance to present the Minister and Shadow Minister with questions from members regarding their vision and policies to support family day care.

You can re-watch the Forum on the FDCA Facebook page here.

To all of our members who tuned in live on the night, thank you for your contributions to this important discussion. We look forward to supporting, representing and promoting our sector to the next Australian Government and will continue our push for a better deal for family day care into the future.