
24 November 2021

Registrations open for the 2022 FDCA National Engagement Program forums!

FDCA’s National Engagement Program is back for 2022 and places are now officially open.

Helping our members access premium professional development and learning, while providing opportunities to network with fellow family day care professionals and discuss the issues that matter to you, is an important part of the work that we do as your national peak body.

Through the National Engagement Program, we’re proud to continue our investment into the capability of our sector.

To register, visit our website and click on your state link.

Workshop presenters

In 2022, FDCA members will be able to take advantage of joint educator and service sessions, giving teams the chance to come together and share in the benefits of workshops uniquely tailored to the family day care environment.

Joining representatives from FDCA will be Red Nose Australia and Australian Child Care Career Options (ACCCO).

Red Nose Australia will deliver a “Safe sleeping for family day care” workshop, with ACCCO facilitating a presentation on “Child Protection: a family day care focused approach”.

Both workshops will have an emphasis on the role of services and educators, providing valuable insights for all participants and a holistic approach to child safety.

Attendees will receive a certificate for each workshop in acknowledgement of the learning experience.

Refreshments across the day and an official Networking Lunch will also be included, alongside an exclusive presentation from FDCA on our 2021-2022 Member Initiatives.

Your chance to win a FDCA 2022 National Conference ticket

By registering for the National Engagement Program, not only will you get the value we’ve packed into our one-day forum, but you could also win a ticket to the FDCA 2022 National Conference.

There’ll be two tickets up for grabs for each forum and best of all, there’s no need to make a separate entry - simply register for a forum and you’ll automatically go into the draw!

For more information about the 2022 FDCA National Engagement Program and for a full listing of forums, visit

New FDCA 2022 National Conference payment plans available!

FDCA is excited to announce that tickets are now back on sale for the FDCA 2022 National Conference, which will take place in Hobart from 15-17 September 2022.

This includes a new 6-month payment plan which is exclusively available to FDCA Members.

The new 6-month payment plan means that you can purchase your FDCA 2022 National Conference ticket with 6 monthly installments of $104.00.

To purchase your ticket with our 6-month payment plan, click here.

Our conference line-up remains unchanged

The great news is that despite the change of date, our first-class conference line-up and program has not changed. Conference delegates will still be treated to a star-studded line-up of keynote speakers that includes Maggie Dent, Jay Laga’aia and Professor Linda Harrison, along with 24 outstanding workshops to choose from.

To find out more about Maggie, Jay and Linda, click here.

Make Tasmania your great escape in 2022!

The FDCA 2022 National Conference is not only a first-class professional development and networking event; it’s your great escape to world class cuisine and pristine wildlife.

Join us for some well-deserved "me time" and soak in the dramatic and curious wonders of Tasmania! To discover more about Tasmania and what it can offer, click here.

Reconnect with old friends and make new ones

We all know it’s been too long since we’ve been able to connect in person.

The FDCA 2022 National Conference is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to catch up with old friends and form new ones with colleagues from all-across Australia.

You’ll also have the chance to network with representatives from FDCA and participate in discussions that will shape the future of the sector.

Want to find out more about the FDCA 2022 National Conference?

To find out more about the FDCA 2022 National Conference, visit

FDCA represents sector at National Nutrition Network

Yesterday, FDCA attended a knowledge exchange session on Achieving System Level Change and Support in Early Childhood Nutrition, as part of an ongoing series of workshops held by the National Nutrition Network.

This session explored and discussed the various pathways and approaches that can be taken, the collaborations that can be developed and the narratives that can be adopted, to highlight the role and importance of early childhood nutrition.

FDCA, along with a variety of early childhood sector representatives, looked at objectives and concepts to support further advocacy of the role and importance of nutrition in early childhood.

We encourage our members to check out the National Nutrition Website and explore local and state programs in their area focusing on nutrition within the early years.

You can find a list of local and state programs on the National Nutrition Website here.

Don’t miss your FREE 2022 FDCA Wall Planner 

The new 2022 FDCA Wall Planner is available now for all FDCA members to download via your FDCA Member Zone.

The Wall Planner notes several important dates highlighted including school terms, public holidays, and key events for the sector such as National Family Day Care Week, National Engagement Program Forum dates and the FDCA 2022 National Conference. 

Two sizes of the Wall Planner are available:

  • a large A1 landscape sized version which displays all 12 months of the year (this version is best printed using a professional printer or through a retailer such as Officeworks); or
  • a smaller A4 portrait version which displays one month per page (this can be printed at home or at the office).

To download your FREE Wall Planner, simply log in to your FDCA Member Zone and access the Factsheets and Resources section. 

If you haven't yet activated your FDCA Member Zone account, click here to enter your registered email address and commence the activation process.

Protection for every part of your business!

FDCA offers more than just great public liability insurance to protect your business. We also offer a range of options to protect your home.

Home and contents insurance

Did you know that many standard home and contents policies won’t cover you if you’re running a business from home? Even if the claim isn’t business related!

Our home and contents policies have been specifically designed with the needs of family day care in mind, giving you the assurance that running your business won’t have an impact on any claim you make.

Every home is different

We know that every educator, and every home, is different.

That’s why our home and contents policies come in a range of shapes and sizes to meet the different needs and budgets of our members.

We can provide options like business interruption cover, which will cover any loss of gross income if your business suffers damage or interruption by an insured event, and cover for increased working costs - for example, if you’re required to lease an alternate premises while your primary residence is being repaired, and the new premises requires modifications in order to run your business.

Get your quote or renew online in minutes

Visit our website here to get your free home and contents insurance quote today, or to renew your existing policy.

Trusted by educators and services for over 30 years, give us a call on 1800 658 699 to find out more about how FDCA has got you covered.